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The focus of the 4th International Symposium on Flood Defence (ISFD4) will be a new perspective of flood risk management and assessment — one that recognizes flood risk reduction as an integral part of water resource management and which aims to maximize the resultant economic and social welfare in an equitable manner without compromising the sustainability of vital systems. The Symposium’s agenda includes a wide variety of events addressing this focus and its consequential objectives.
- The Program outlines each day’s events to facilitate planning. Please visit this page to learn more about the topics to be presented each day, as well as other events such as icebreakers, tours and meals.
- Plenary sessions will take place Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday covering topics including the assessment of flood risk and specific issues from the Red River Flood and Hurricane Katrina.
- Parallel sessions throughout the Symposium will address mitigation; preparedness, response and recovery; policy, standards and strategic planning; structural approaches; analytical and distributive methodologies; environmental considerations; and various perspectives on flood management. Instructions are available for preparing the papers and for presenting the oral presentations
- Poster presentations will share a range of ideas about and techniques for flood management from studies conducted in countries around the world, including Canada, Bangladesh, Germany and China, to name just a few.
- The events of this agenda address the Symposium’s Objectives , which include sharing innovations and ideas for managing flood risk, bringing together experts and professionals to streamline flood response activities, learning about floodplain management, and exchanging information gleaned from experience.
- Presentation instructions are available for preparing paper presentations, presenting the paper at the symposium, and preparing and posting poster presentations.
More About the Symposium
The Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction (ICLR) is hosting this important event, which marks the fourth in a series and will focus on the management of flood risk, reliability and vulnerability. As recent flood disasters, like hurricanes in the United States and the tsunami in Asia, made abundantly clear, all nations are susceptible to the damaging effects that major storm and flood events cause. Appropriate flood risk-mitigation investment, and the redirection of resources into flood disaster prevention, offers significant economic benefits, as well as reduction in loss of life and property, improvements in welfare and social stability.