- IFI reference series: A kind of guidebooks
and manuals to fulfill gaps and elaborate in detail on flood issues and solutions for practical use with respect
to ongoing activities at WMO and various other available texts.
- IFI web tutorials: web-based education and
training with respect to the available e-courses at UNU and UNESCO-IHE.
In order to promote the exposure of IFI activities, it was agreed that the IFI Secretariat at
ICHARM should publish IFI newsletters and periodical reports. They can be distributed using the UNESCO-IHP
network as well as WMO-CHy and other relevant networks. The next meeting of the IFI AC/MC will be held at
Geneva-WMO Headquarters on the occasion of the 2nd Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction
(16-18 June 2009).
13 August
2008: The International
Flood Initiative mapping activities report has been published. The IFI mapping activities are prepared based on the reports submitted
by the IFI partners. In total 51 flood related activities are submitted to the IFI Secretariat
The following are some results of the IFI mapping activities
- Research activities (39 activities) is a dominant type of activity, compared
with education, information networking and technical
- Flood risk management (44 activities) is the major topic compared with the flood
vulnerability, governance & participation and early warning & emergency
- Two-thirds of the flood activities scope is regional and international
- There is 7 activities from 4 different organizations aligned on
extreme events and large floods.
- A table of 11 activities are listed there as future
opportunities to consider in the IFI Action Plan.
The original reports is available upon request. Please send
us your request for the original report of Mapping Activities to the IFI Secretariat at ICHARM.
31 July 2008: Science Council of Japan compiled a proposal
entitled "Adaptation to Water-related
Disasters Induced by Global Environmental Change" (PDF, 530KB).
29 July
2008: The
5th International Conference on Flood Management (ICFM5) will be held in
Tsukuba, Japan in 2011. The ICFM5 will be hosted by the International Centre for Water Hazard and Risk
Management (ICHARM under the auspices of UNESCO) and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and
Tourism (MLIT) of Japan.
July 14, 2008: IFI website has been launched.
May and June, 2008: IFI partners submit their IFI -related
activities to the secretariat using the same format (MS-Word, 28KB). To see the list of the activities login here by entering you user ID and password.
May 5,
2008: The second IFI Management Committee (IFI-MC) meeting was held at the Institute for
Catastrophic Loss Reduction (ICLR), in Toronto on Monday, the 5th May 2008. At the outset, the participants selected
Mr. Salvano Briceno, Director of
the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UN/ISDR), as the Chair. Click here to see the
list of the participants and meeting Agenda.

was decided that the next meeting of the IFI-AC will be held in conjunction with ICHARM’s international advisory
board meeting in Tsukuba, Japan on October 2nd.
May 8, 2008: The IFI session with
the title of "Strategy for mainstraeming flood risk reduction in society" was held successfully in the 4th
International Symposium of Flood Defence, Toronto, Canada on May 8, 2008. The panelists: Avinash Tyagi (WMO,
Director of Division of Hydrology and Water Resources), Yuichi Ono on behalf of Sálvano Briceño (ISDR Executive
Director), Andreas Schumann (UNESCO), Erich Plate (UNU), Kuniyoshi Takeuchi (Director of
