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International Flood Initiative

IFI e-WS (January 4 to March 2, 2010)

E-mails exchanging among the representatives of the IFI Advisory Committee members (UNESCO, WMO, UNU and UN/ISDR) followed by net meeting

Moderator: Bruce Stewart

- Agenda: PDF-164KB
- Participants List: PDF-165KB 
- Net-meeting: It was held from  9:30 am to 11:45 (UTC/GMT) on Jan. 26. 
- Moderator Reports: (Jan. 7th, PDF-11KB)
- Register of e-mail Traffic: as of Mar. 2, Excel-56KB

 Final Reports:

1- The following file is summary report on IFI Activities. UNESCO, WMO and UNU activities are listed so far (the last update by WMO on Jan 20, 2010)
Word Document, 70KB

2-The final report of the IFI e-meeting is available. (PDF-27 KB)

3- IFI Action List (PDF, 105KB) (New)


Related documents:

- IFI brochure (Page 16 to 21), Annex: IFI commitments (PDF, 104KB)

- 3rd IFI meeting report, Tsukuba -October 2008 (PDF, 57KB)

- UNSGAB/HLEP Water and Disaster Annex: Actions List (PDF, 45KB)

 UNESCO-IHP, IFI related activities submitted by S. Demuth (Jan. 15, 2010)

- Flood Frequency Analysis Component (PDF-39KB)

- Mapping FRIEND- AMHY (PDF-22KB)

- Mapping FRIEND flood activity new telplate1 (PDF-34KB)

- Mapping FRIEND flood-final report3-edited (PDF-154KB)

- Mapping RIEND-AMIGO (PDF-18KB)

- Mapping Asian Pacific FRIEND flood Document (PDF-77KB)

 UNU submitted report by S. Herath (Jan. 18, 2010)

- Web Tutorial (PDF, 12KB)