About IFI
International Flood Initiative (IFI) is a joint initiative in
collaboration with such international organizations as UNESCO (IHP ), WMO, UN/ISDR, UNU, IAHS and IAHR. IFI made its official launch in January 2005 at the World Conference on Disaster
Reduction (WCDR) in Kobe, Japan.
The United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural
Organization(UNESCO) and the World Meteorological Organization
(WMO), building on past cooperative
successes, have launched the International Flood Initiative (IFI) to address existing
management gaps through a holistic approach and to provide a platform
for further collaborative efforts. The initiative will work in
close cooperation with the United Nations University (UNU), the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR), IAHS and IAHR. The IFI secretariat is locate in the International Centre for Water Hazard
and Risk Management (ICHARM) in Tsukuba, Japan. UN agencies working on other aspects of flood
management will also be invited to contribute to the initiative.
Objectives: The overall aim of the
initiative is to build capacity in countries to understand and better respond to floods by taking advantage of
their benefits while at the same time minimizing their social, economic and environmental risks.
Strategic Activities: The initiative will
focus on research, information networking, education and training, empowering communities and providing technical
assistance and guidance.
More Information About IFI:
IFI Concept
IFI Administration
IFI Secretariat
Additional Resources:
IFI Introduction (PPT,
2.3MB) and (PDF,
IFI Brochure (PDF,
IFI Pamphlet (PDF,
